Metrit Paint pure polyester powders are based on polyester resin suitable cross linker having excellent gloss and colour retention on exposures and are cured by Triglycidlisocyanurate (TGIC).
Application Areas: These powders are widely used in aluminium profiles garden furnitures and articles are at constant exposure to open atmosphere. Metrit Pure Polyester is also recommended for indoor accessories where gloss and colour stability both in application and use are primary demands. Metrit Pure Polyster series P can also be successfully applied to other ferrous and non ferrous bases.
Pretreatment: The articles are to be powder coated should be thoroughly pre-treated depending on the substrate and corrosion protection required. The final quality of the powder coated surface largely depends on the quality of the pre-treatment.
General Technical Data:
- Excellent weather resistance.
- Properties Excellent resistance to chalking from UV exposure.
- Excellent mechanical properties.
- Limited resistance to alkaline’s and solvents.
- Excellent gloss and colour stability from effects of heat.
- Excellent floe and finish.
- Gloss (60 deg): 30:95
Curing Schedule : 200 deg C10 minutes.
Colour Selection : All colours and finish are available to order
The most common polyester powder coatings are the polyester triglicidyl isocyanurate(TGIS) types. These coatings have good edge coverage and good mechanical properties.
Polyester Powder Coatings are used widely for industrial finishing and typical applications include office furniture and aluminium extrusions.
These coatings are known for their good UV resistance as compared to epoxy, epoxy/polyester.